Garden Update: June 1 (week 23)

As promised: A thorough update of what's going on in the garden Days have been low 20's or high teens with lots of cloud and little bits of rain. Generally, good growing conditions. Plant growth is noticeable day over day right now, and that generally continues for another month until the low humidity kicks in... Continue Reading →

Why I Put Aphids In My Garden

Warning: This is not for beginners. If you like the “squirt squirt” of a spray bottle, don’t even read this. I’m in a unique position working with aphid and other plant pest control in commercial crops. With my experience comes an understanding/tolerance for pests: I can tell if a pest population is something to worry... Continue Reading →

Know Your Bugs: Aphidoletes aphidimyza – The Aphid Eliminator.

Aphidoletes aphidimyza (common name: Aphidoletes [a-fid-o-lee-tees]) is among the most used aphid controls in agriculture, horticulture, landscapes, greenhouses and especially ornamentals. Like all the best biological control agents, Aphidoletes works with a combination of eating lots, but also by multiplying quickly, overcoming the pest.  Aphidoletes larva searching for aphids Where it comes from: Aphidoletes were... Continue Reading →

Solstice in the Garden

Spring is finished - and what a spring! It’s been sunny, dry, and hot and my garden is loving it (with the occasional sprinkler watering). Also loving this weather is everyone else! It seems like twice a week or more we’re sitting with friends on sun-baked patios. When we’re not, I’m sitting on my own,... Continue Reading →

Controlling Thrips with Beneficial Mites

In some areas, thrips begin to appear in early spring. Most of us become aware of thrips during a large influx late in the spring and throughout the summer. Thrips don't fly, rather, they tumble and in days of atmospheric convection, they (like many mites) use the electro-static conditions to levitate and travel large distances.... Continue Reading →

Flower Identification

Hi all,   I came across this flower in my yard and have no idea what it is. It is beautiful and striking! I am hoping that by knowing what it is I can better care for it, or make it spread (or get more). I know there are now plant ID apps one can... Continue Reading →

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