When to plant Garlic (South West BC)

In the garden forums I subscribe to there is a constant stream of garlic-planting related questions from September to November. They usually follow a similar pattern: Early in September the question arrises "Is it too early to plant garlic?" Then the usual question: "When is the best time to plant garlic." Then later we hear... Continue Reading →

How to Control Thrips

How to control Thrips using no chemicals or sprays. Learn simple procedures regularly used in commercial greenhouses for protection against thrips damage in ornamentals and agriculture.

Welcome To Spencer Brewing

Sure, "farm-to-table" sounds like a hipster fad destined to find its way into the general vernacular of the old and uncool, but here at Spencer Brewing we've developed beer recipes using ingredients grown organically on-site at Full Circle Farm. When "farm-to-table" defines hand-harvesting grains and drinking it as beer few months later you can see... Continue Reading →

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