How to Control Thrips

How to control Thrips using no chemicals or sprays. Learn simple procedures regularly used in commercial greenhouses for protection against thrips damage in ornamentals and agriculture.

Know Your Bugs: Cucumeris

Neoseiulus cucumeris (formerly known as Ambylseius cucumeris) is used primarily for the control of thrips - mainly Western Flower Thrips and Onion Thrips. However, as a generalist predatory mite it is known to be effective in controlling spider mites, whitefly eggs, cyclamen, broad and russet mites.  Besides the fact that it performs (when healthy and... Continue Reading →

Controlling Thrips with Beneficial Mites

In some areas, thrips begin to appear in early spring. Most of us become aware of thrips during a large influx late in the spring and throughout the summer. Thrips don't fly, rather, they tumble and in days of atmospheric convection, they (like many mites) use the electro-static conditions to levitate and travel large distances.... Continue Reading →

What to Grow and When

What to Grow and When Spring-Cleaning is impossible when you’re hands are in the dirt. That has been me (or at least my excuse) for a solid week now. Only a week? (You ask.) Yes, because on the weekend of March 9th I meant to work the soil (after doing a morning seminar at a... Continue Reading →

Using Beneficial Insects in your Home Garden

There is a revolution taking place in people’s gardens.  The demand for Organic products; mistrust of chemical companies; the longing for a simpler time; near complete chemical resistance in some pests; and an adjusted sense of what constitutes garden productivity have all played a role in the major increase in demand for biological controls like... Continue Reading →

BioControl Strategy for Cannabis

  BioControl Strategy for Cannabis From The National Government of Canada is scheduled to legalize recreational marijuana use and distribution later in 2018. Each Canadian Province retains the right to manage the distribution, availability and possession rules. Recently, British Columbia has announced its strategy for the legalization of ‘pot’. So, I wanted to remind... Continue Reading →

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