The Bio-Control Game Changer – Anystis baccarum

“The biggest thing in biological pest control since chemical resistance.” Anystis baccarum, or The Crazee Mite (also known as the Whirligig Mite) is a cosmopolitan (world wide distribution) predatory mite and an impressive destroyer of common greenhouse, ornamental and agricultural pests.  Adult Anystis finishing a green peach aphid. The Crazee Mite is known for controlling... Continue Reading →

How to control the Coreopsis Beetle

Control of the coreopsis beetle is a multi-step process. First, get rid of the adults, and then prepare for the damaging larva left behind. This article explores non-toxic methods of coreopsis beetle control.

Why I Put Aphids In My Garden

Warning: This is not for beginners. If you like the “squirt squirt” of a spray bottle, don’t even read this. I’m in a unique position working with aphid and other plant pest control in commercial crops. With my experience comes an understanding/tolerance for pests: I can tell if a pest population is something to worry... Continue Reading →

Know Your Bugs: Aphidoletes aphidimyza – The Aphid Eliminator.

Aphidoletes aphidimyza (common name: Aphidoletes [a-fid-o-lee-tees]) is among the most used aphid controls in agriculture, horticulture, landscapes, greenhouses and especially ornamentals. Like all the best biological control agents, Aphidoletes works with a combination of eating lots, but also by multiplying quickly, overcoming the pest.  Aphidoletes larva searching for aphids Where it comes from: Aphidoletes were... Continue Reading →

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